Extinction: a must watch movie

A sci-fi movie that has a simple but strong story with great plot and surprisingly superb presentation. This is a story of a family how a person has to face so many hurdles to save himself and his family. A great performance by Michael Penna and well supported by Lizzy Caplan and hat's off to Erica Tremblay. Another side of story other than human being. Every single living or non-living thing has to struggle for the existence. Just imagine we have the world of non-living people who can laugh, cry and love just like real people. What would happen if synthetic robot starts to have human like responses and emotions. There is a debate about the moral questions as synthetic android starts human like behavior and these synths become unaware that they are synths but behave like a human. Peter, an engineer, has recurring nightmares in which he and his family suffer from violent, alien invasion-like confrontations with an unknown enemy. He has a smal...