High School Chronicle: First Mark in Trigonometry

I was studying in government high school in grade eight. It just came out in my mind that I should join boarding school. I just shared my desire with my mom.  'Daamlo badhna mann lagyo?!' She said, 'you are doing well in government school, so….'  'Well mom, I wanna do more.' I replied immediately. She then readily accepted. Dad also encouraged me to do more. School's principal was asked about my entry in that boarding school. I was ready for entrance test and was waiting in admin office. When principal knew that I was the first boy in government school, he just accepted me in same grade though I was prepared for grade seven. I even needed not appear in the entrance test.
Everybody was looking at me. Some talked to me some were yet to talk. Since I was new, every teacher asked my introduction. All the regular students were in their own flock and I was with my high school friend who also admitted just one month before I did. People did not accept me easily and I adjusted my sit with girls. It was not ease to sit with girls because I was shy and naïve one. But girls readily welcomed me.
Since I was there after 3 months of educational year, all the courses were far from me. All the subjects I was following but trigonometry. It was out of my understanding. Teacher was teaching but I was unable to say I did not understand. Sin, cos, cosec, sec, tan and cot- their formulation, I was not able to get a single idea about. Finally Unit test came. I tried to cram all the formulae before test. I was sweating and getting headache going through those formulae and calculation. I attended trigonometry test, I could not do anything. I could not apply any trigonometric formula since I had not understood how to apply them but I tried to apply some algebraic formula where it was possible otherwise nothing had been attempted. Result! I got zero mark. The teacher asked me what the reason was. I could not say anything. After class, I found some friends who were really weak in this subject. We joined the tuition class of our teacher. After completion of one month tuition class, I appeared in half yearly exam and I performed well in all subjects including trigonometry securing second position in class. Furthermore, I secured hundred percent mark in Trigonometry. Everybody was surprised. Thereafter I quitted the tuition class.
After this exam, people accepted me and welcomed in their community and I needed not to sit with girls. Though it was great relief for me but I really appreciated girls' supportive role during sitting with them.

Dedicated to grade eight classmates of Arjun Boarding High School:
Tamrajung Basnet, Laxmi Gharti, Laila KC, Rama Thapa, Bishnu Basnet, Baburam Panthi, Laxman Bhushal, Narendra Shrestha, Mohan Panthi, Krishna Regmi, Kedar Pandey, Sunil Marasini, Subas Shrestha, Arun Bhushal, Suraj Pandey, Bashanti Gharti and Bhagwati Subedi


  1. Sitting with the girls, its the culture of ABHS then man, i was asked to sit with girls when i joined to Arjun as well. I transferred to Arjun when i was on my grade 7 in Mahendra but in Arjun i was with Grade 6.
    I used to hate Gul Mohor and English Grammar classes, its was pain in ....
    But, whenever i sit with girls, there used to a big space between me and the next girl ( don't remember who was she)--Back then in 2048 BS.

  2. @ babu: history repeated huh...!. @admin: u must be Bashant...thanks

  3. Hmmmm... flashbacks of ABHS, good one!... I was the most quite and naive girl in the class so everyone used to sit next by me;).... Uttam, you were the one for sure. Babu Ram, remember our englisg teacher "someting chalise" and the way he used to laugh? you were one of the naughtiest one in class and you dared to ask him "sir, dhan ko paral lai english ma k vanchhan?".. and the answer by him made all us a big laugh...poor chalise sir, he didn't even know that why we were laughing? hehe.. we girls used to sit on the front bench and make fun of our nepali teacher,Laxman Rizal...and his words "HAGI"....hmmm! how i wish to go back into our old school days!

  4. by the way, its me, lucky.

  5. @ LUCKY and Uttam: चालिसे सरलाई जिस्काएको फ्लासब्याक " हे हे " सम्झिदा आँखामा आसु आयो | भन्न नहुनी,बिग्रन त म अल्ली खत्तम नै थिए

  6. @lucky Di, thank u 4 being supportive... sometimes we used to make tally marks of Laxman sir's 'hagi' how many times did he make bhanera... hehehehe... fun time back in high school...@Babu...were you so naughty man...i had no idea...thanks 4 lucky for revealing..hehehe?!!!

  7. did you really feel that way at the beginning in ABHS??? there was another teacher who used to punish us by kissing girl if its boy and by kissing boy if its girl... what was his name?? tell the truth who was the most naive one in that class??? absolutely me??? who cried the most in that class???

  8. सानो सर, सबैभन्दा खत्तम! स्वोर्गवास भयेक्यार, तर उनको पढाउने तरिका " सुन्य " , पुनिशमेन्ट त अचाक्ल्ली

    Uttam, first thing i noticed was your Nepali Handwriting was incredibly nice and quiet big size.

    Lucky, you were tallest, never saw you crying! Some girls used to cry due to Narendra/Subas. ( Where is Narendra these days)>

  9. haha... bichara sano sir! yup he is nomore!...and who is this Anonymous?(Rama, is that you?)
    Babu ram, yeah, i never forget that the assembly line where had to stand at last because of my height! ani Hikmat sir le agriculture padhayeko yaad aayo!...lucky.


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