Jelwang, Rolpa visit, march 6, 2010

Today we reached Jelwang VDC to handover Jelwang SHP constructed by Merlin Nepal at 15hr. This is a beautiful place in Rolpa district. It took almost 6 hours on foot to reach there from Sulichaur, a business center in Rolpa. Damanji (logistic coordinator), Kumarji(suboverseer) and I were from Merlin's side but not a single staff was there from health facility despite the prior information we made. Not a single person was there to recieve hand over of SHP building. As popular fact in government service, 'no prize for good people and no punishment to bad people either.' people in government service hardly follow rules and regulations. This is happening 'coz of government's loose monitoing. Office helper seems more powerful than the office incharge. Every corner is influenced unusually by politics. Many of the SHPs I have visited where not a single monitoring has occured yet since the establishment of the SHP. We finally found a member of health facility office management committee- thank god, she was there to recieve handover. During formal program in handover. During formal program in handing over, it started raining. We were stuck there till 17:30hr and we walked down to guest house. The brook was flooded and had a high amount of flow. As Kumarji and I crossed the sanghu, we heard the sound bang, Damanji was down into the brook, the sanghu was broken. Luckily, nothing worse happened except for some minor injuries.
There is nothing definite in life; anything might happen, nobody knows about life.


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