working in periphery

What comes in your mind when you find yourself where there is no telecommunication, no electricity and no internet-you will completely paralysed; something you will feel breathlessness.
Well guys, it was same for me when I was posted in Sallibazar, a town on the bank of Veri river in Salyan district on its western border with Surkhet. When I started my journey from Kohalpur to this place, I was playing with the aggression of Veri river's flood. The road sometimes touches it and sometimes goes far away from it. There is no way when vehicles get accident, it will be swallowed by Veri river. I have blurring recall of Babai, Harre, Chhinchu,Mehelkuna, Botechaur, Pokhre, Reikar, Baluwa sangrahi, Amra and finally Sallibazar.
When I got gradually accustomed to this place, it was heavenly touchy completely different from internet world. I found it as a real world and beautiful than the prototype virtual lifestyle in urban areas.
I got up at 7 AM and do some light exercise and take breakfast. I sit here in cottage built by hospital for canteen purpose. It is awesome here. When I sit here I feel as if I was in sweet sangri-la where nobody disturbs but patients....!!! this locality is typical prototype area of remote places. People are less educated and have less access to the world. They know their village and Nepalgunj, Rupadiya and Lucknow. Many of the people go to Lucknow for their treatment and many of the people lost money for no sake and still they have a passion to get treatment in Lucknow.
Usually I ask the question to these people who had gone to Lucknow,
'Can you explain your problem in Hindi language to the Indian doctor?'
those dumb uneducated people just smile for their reply.
We can guess what kind of treatment they get there. They usually go to the clinic not proper hospital there in Lucknow. These clinic quacks kill them financially. One patient of depression described how he was looted there. Within three days' interval without any intervention, he was obliged to pay Rs. 45000 there in Lucknow. He returned home without any treatment. They don't know what disease they have and there is no chance to know the prognosis of the disease they have but  the same people when they come to me, they want assurance of guaranty. This rises my mercury and tell those people to got the place where they can get guaranty. There are lots of people who come for treatment with genuine reason but some are rats.The challenge to work in periphery is people's ignorance and their craziness. The ignorance does not have idea about surrounding and the craziness does not intend to read the surrounding. Sometimes I am obliged to refer the simple viral fever to the higher center 'coz of people's crazy activities. Some people call me inside the ambulance and ask, 'hunchha bhane jharne natra laijane...'(if you can treat, it's OK otherwise...) they simply oblige to not treat the patients. Just simply inspecting the patient how a doctor can assure that he can treat the patient.
These are negative aspects that usually happened to my hospital. Lets talk about positive things too.
One guy greeted from distant with smiley face,
' Namskar doc sa'ab, I never seen such a talented one like you doc sa'ab in my life. I have been to many places but never met like you doc sa'ab! 'coz of you, my wife's life is saved otherwise she would have died. Thank you so much doc sa'ab.'
I was so excited but I just controlled myself and replied him normal way, 'well, great to know about..! it was my duty to save patients'
He was continuing his speech without any interruption, 'Everything what you mentioned has been explained by that doctor in Kohalpur. You are genius doc 'sa'ab, you are genius.. ek patak hajurlai dekhauna lyaeko( just to check up my wife..)
I examined the incised wound on right iliac fossa for appendectomy. It was healing withiout any discharge or pus. I just assured him, ' The wound is getting healed, no need to worry but do not allow to do anything that strains her abdomen, just put her on rest.'
he returned home with smiley face.
Another patient, I treat his chronic duodenal ulcer with triple therapy, his response was same what earlier one has. When I excised big sebaceous cyst on the mastoid region, many people came with hernia and abdominal mass to get excised. I counseled about their problem and limitation of my skill and hospital set up. They were content with my counseling and were ready to go to Kohalpur. Two hernias were undergone surgery. One female found to have ovarian serous cyst in Kohalpur. One patient with chronic allergic dermatitis have been cured by me. She brought lots of vegetables and one cock(kukhurako bhale) with happiness but we bought her cock in optimum price ( she refused to accept money but we simply oblige her to take the money).
This story I will continue in  the days coming.............!


  1. Wonderful!It refreshed my experience of three years back.

  2. Uttam dai, I am very proud with what you have done to make a change to the poor people in Sallibazar. This is not only the problem of Sallibazar dai this is problem of all the periphery in Nepal. It is said that when a patient is put in plane to fly for Nepalgunj from Jumla that patient is half treated. Lucknow is the place of trust for no reason for the people around Bardia, Nepalgunj, Some part of Dang etc. I sometimes argue too much with some of my relatives in those areas when they talk about the quacks so called doctors in Lucknow for their treatment. You know what, what some of my relatives even show their doctors degree, trainings and all the things that they put behind their name, more intresting enough these doctors do not even do any diagnosting testing and write medicine and send those patients with a sac of medicine and ask them to come back after few months.

    Really appreciate your job dai. Keep it up.

    1. Dear Brona bhai, this is real scenario of ours and our society...!


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