A Nagarkot Rendezvous

While surfing the facebook, there was a signal I found in inbox. I clicked there. It was message written by Naji for possibility of get-together. Achyut and I decided to have get-together party in Nagarkot. It was awesome idea that came to our mind. It’s been many years I had not been there in Nagarkot. I wondered how it has been now compared to one that I visited 9 years ago.

I wrote the message to have party on Friday, 14th October 2011, the very same day that Naji lands in Nepal. It was ambitious plan for us to involve him on the very same day. Despite that, we circulated the same message to other friends as well. We found Madi and he accepted it. I asked PT but he told he has night duty that day. Finally he was ready to involve in our rendezvous after he exchanged the duty with his companion. We asked Ganu with low expectation but he readily accepted. I called Gauri but he could not make it happen. Other friends were not available.

At around 11 o’clock, I started out for Nagarkot and asked Madi to come with Naji. He did accordingly. I met Achyut with Khem dai in County Villa Hotel in Nagarkot- it was outstanding but it was not hotel that was booked for us. The other hotel nearby was for us. I was little bit frustrated not getting room in Country Villa hotel. I was hungry so Khem dai gave me the company-took a one of glass beer with fish dish and other snacks as well. Thereafter I went out to my hotel called Unkai hotel (thought  ‘Unkai ’as ‘her/his ‘ hotel) but this  ‘ unkai ’ word is Japanese word meant for ‘ sea of clouds’. I took some rest and got fresh and went out to have some clicks. It was already dark. I walked with my oldie Ipod listening some of my favorite music. I got a call from Achyut to arrange dinner party nearby hotel. I went there and asked the hotel Didi to prepared some snacks and foods.

I returned to Unkai hotel and waited friends to come. Finally they came with hungry mood. Naji came with surprise with his wife. We arranged the special room for Naji’s Jodi and it was challenging though.

We started our party with ‘rum punch’ and some with wine outside the Didi’s hotel where we were bearing the chilling cold of wind. This wind pushed inside the hotel. PT was also enjoying the party though he did not take anything specialized for party. Actually enjoying food was not the important but the important was the get-together with buddies-that is what PT as well as we felt. After few time, Khem dai also came to us to celebrate junior bhaiz’ get-together. He ignited the environment by sharing romantic pieces of his life. We enjoyed a lot his presence and experiences. He is intelligent guy and jolly man as well.

After food time was over, we played cards for some time and went to bed for tomorrow’s sunrise. Ganu wake us up at 4:45AM, we were ready by 5:30AM but the cloud was there. We stayed at hotel to take tea and went towards viewpoint tower though sunrise view was not possible due to cloud. It was really fun to walk on the road. Puri was delicious that killed our hunger and helped us reach view point tower. We five people Achyut, Madi, Naji, PT and me ascended up the tower. Took some snaps putting on the Aeropostale T-shirts brought by Naji. Ganu and Roashani left there in the ground. While returning, Ganu opened his heart sharing his love story: when he saw his wife first time, he felt, ‘As if…he knew he loved her before he met her.’


  1. after 4 years' reunion.... loved it.... thanks pachya!!!! :)


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