Total Lunar Eclipse: Finding Red Moon

Yesterday was December 10, 2011, the human rights day meanwhile it's the night of total lunar eclipse of this year. My mom called me, 'Dear son, today is khagras chandragrahan, take your dinner before grahan happens otherwise Rahu will make it impure.' 'Ok mom.' I said to mom as an obedient child. I took my dinner before lunar eclipse happened. This put me on ease that I fulfilled my mom's desire. Though I know the scientific basis behind the lunar eclipse, I did not retort my mom.
Linar eclipse trail

After dinner, I went up at top of my apartment at 18:30 hour; partial lunar eclipse was already there. I unfolded the tripod and attached the 450D camera on the top of tripod. It was rather cold; my hands were getting frozen but my both hands were busy to focus on the moon to take the snap. I alternately took the photos of eclipse on Av-mode and M-mode of canon with EF lens-18 to 55mm. I found red moon on eclipsed side on Av mode as scientist mentioned the same color on TV but I just found remaining portion of moon on M-mode. It was quite exciting to me taking photographs of eclipse because I was taking photograph of lunar eclipse for the first time. Not only my hands but also the feet were getting frozen though they were in warm shocks inside the shoes.
I am not professional photographer but just a beginner. You can easily imagine that I am beginner by knowing my camera and lens. I had no idea which mode is suitable for eclipse photography. No idea about focal length and aperture size but I tried to take the snap. Knowingly or unknowingly, some of the photos were clean and clear but many of them were blurred. The camera was not fixed totally on tripod so it jerked many of the times while taking photos.
Anyway, I enjoyed taking photographs of lunar eclipse of this year. I felt lucky myself taking snaps of the last 'total lunar eclipse' of this year- the red moon.


  1. hi sathi, this is a wonderful pic. u have taken very good. with u permission, i am sharing this in my wall FB. Great going sathi, i have been many of the pics in ur blog, they are wonderful. U are improving preety fast pace. take care

  2. thank you dear and no problem at all


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