Somewhere Some Place, from facebook journal

You came into my life just like a soft bouquet of flowers and you disappeared like a quill of bird along with the gush of wind somewhere in the earth.  

We were separated from each other many decades ago with mutual understanding so far we believe but we did not swear that we will speak no more but happened as if we promised to not speak. I never imagined even in my dream that we will have such kind of status. Do you think we have terminated even our platonic relation? Of course not….if you ask me this question. I was ready to give you a company even forever when you were desperate to get a company with someone but you overlooked. This became turning point in my life. It helped me a lot to understand about life and its journey. Thanks buddy….in this sense.

When you moved away, I once asked you to continue relation with friends including me just like we had but you dint take into account. You omitted many of the friends from the lists and especially deleted me who used to be special for you before we broke up. You lost from our blissful samsara. Hopefully you’ve found some divine place that is not accessible to the people like us. If it’s so I will definitely happy for you ‘coz you know that your happiness was/is my happYness-you must have realized it. I know we won’t meet but we may see to each other and moreover we may feel each other. At least I will do for sure. You may regret about our past but I will miss it as the most wonderful moment in my life. Life goes on friend and the past shows the path how we should walk on at present. I wont say it was ugly truth for our the then relation but contrary to that, I have internalized it as a sweet memoir we had together.

People may laugh at us if I mentioned the reason why you left….I also sometimes laugh and feel some tears rolling down my face. You may not think we had a bad company but you wont say good company either but I will say it was divine company even if it was short. Some short moments are so deepened that we wander there forever. I think I am still wandering in that short memory ‘coz it was unforgettable though I tried so much and so many times to forget. I think there must be some divine thing in our relation. The relation is defined subjectively how an individual take it. I took it as a divine one but you might have taken same or just opposite or different…!!! Every time I wake up early in the morning, I see you and try to feel you. This is some kind of madness…a hallucination, hearing or visualizing the thing which is not existed in the surrounding moreover delusion, believing existence which is hundred percent false. I love to have delusion sometimes and get lost over on it. This is how mad people love to get lost in virtual world created by the beautiful accident that they were across with.


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