Sweet Memoirs from Childhood, part-3

To begin something is difficult and to maintain it is more difficult. We try our best to give the best result of the job accomplished by us. Some beginnings are really innocent. Many of the times, we do mistakes while beginning but if we get proper guidance, we can get rid of the mistakes.

I was staying in mamaghar till 5th year of my life since it was difficult for mom to raise her two sons so I was sent to mamaghar. I had no problem in mamaghar. Everybody used to love me. I was really enjoying the life there though I felt unusual at beginning being far from mom and dear brother.

All my friends started going school. One day mom came to mamaghar and asked me come home for schooling. I joined school back in home. We were given two books- Mahendramala (Nepali) and Ganit (Mathematics). I was so happy getting new books from school. The books were free of cost up to class three.
One day our class teacher asked us to write vyanjan varna (consonant letter). We had just started the class and we had no idea how to write. I returned home. I did not tell anything to my parents. Next day, it’s already 9 o’clock but I was not prepared for school. My father asked me why I was not ready for school. I mentioned the problem. He wrote me all the vyanjan varna and I was happy for that. I went to school. I showed the assignment to my teacher. He readily knew that it was not my hand-writing. He asked me, ‘Is it yours?’ I replied, ‘No’ he did not scold me but he softly asked me to write on my own.

Next day, I wrote vyanjan varna with the help of my father and I went to school and showed my class teacher, he was so happy with me and encouraged to write on my own.


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