Chari bharara…Dandaima basera…!!!

Those days in medical school, I always miss, especially the moments with you. All those functions had been shared with you in one or other way. I heard from you why girls apply oils before they get bath. You let me know the reason behind your silky hair during parties.  You also mentioned the Girls lining for mirror to see their beauty after make up for the party. Well, we had some kind of different attachment; let me say a divine attachment. Though I was technically weaker than you, you always seek my technical help. I also tried to help you. It was quite unusual ni hai someone helping to someone who is technically superior. I think I was assisting her instead.

We never tried to break our platonic relation- that is our strength I say but some may perceive as a weakness. What’s your say, friend?! We always valued our status. We were in close communication. Those SMS days I can remember.  You even used to message me and call me via your dad’s mobile when your mobile’s balance run out -that’s really scary and crazy I supposed. Your funny SMS I always miss hehehe. Sometimes we used to do flirting, you remember! That’s interesting though. On and off, we went for jaunt. You used to accept easily when I used to ask you for.

We moved our body and shook our hip in many tracks on the dance floor but I always remember the chari bharara…number. What an excitement it used to come on your face and I used to follow you. We loved this number and I think we had internalized the meaning of this song. Your smile used to beautify your flushing soft cheeks that used to catch my eyes. When dandaimaa basera rumki dharara… line used to come, you used to cover your eyes and pretended as if you were crying and I used to wonder in the colorful surrounding and the flashes of light in the wriggling crowd of people whether you actually were crying but I could see the same beautiful face in your smiley look instead.

After graduation, I flew somewhere and you did somewhere. Thereafter we hardly met each other. Probably, we had the wings; the independent wings to fly over to catch our own destiny.


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