Mugu trip : crossing the obstacles, part 1

5th June, 2012

Traveling is my hobby never the less I always mention about. Enjoying it is half achievement of one's life. Seeing is belief moreover internalization: it can happen only by traveling. But some traveling are difficult, when we conquered those difficult ones, they will remain as a sweet memory in our mind.

We moved towards Kalikot from Surkhet at 8 AM. We halted in Guranse, the cold place in Dailekh and took coffee there. We moved down to Tallo Dungeshor where Lohore Khola merged into Karnali River. Here in Tallo Dungeshor, We met frenz from Unicef and GIZ there. We took lunch with fish curry. It was delicious and yummy.  Against the upstream of Karnali River, we always move along the side of this river.  Leaving the Madhyapahadi highway in the Saigaon our wheels rolled over the road built by cutting the cliff.Madhyapahadi highway passes through the Dailekh and catches Achham crossing the Karnali River at Belkhet. 

From Khidkijyula, the road is not smooth; it's really difficult to move the wheels. At Daikhola the border between Dailekh and Kalikot, our motor stopped moving. After half an hour effort my driver was able to fix the problem. At around 7 PM we reached Kalikot Manma.

6th June, 2012
Sinja valley
Early in the morning at 6 AM, we moved ahead from Kalikot. On the way, we halted there in  an eatery in Molpha and crunched the boiled potatoes. Against the upstream of Tila River, we reached Nagma where Hema River meets Tila River. This is the border between Kalikot and Jumla. We killed our hunger there with fish curry. We entered Jumla and moved along the side of Hema River. After crossing Narakot, the road was full of ditch.
vehicle stuck

draining ditch
With the help of villagers, we drained the ditch and were able to cross the road. During this period, we were able to have yoghurt that's natural and flavored in one old lady's home. 
an old lady and youghurt

 She might have felt we were hungy asked us, roti khanchhau?( would you like to have bread?). it was millet bread we shared with all friends. It was yummy I liked it.  

sharing bread

  At 7 PM, we found Gothijyula in Sinja valley. The valley is famous for Birat palace, Pandu gufa and agriculture as well. We enjoyed watching people sowing paddy in their irrigated field and dancing in local music.

farmers in paddy field

 We got a haven made up of wood plank. we were provided with one pair of blankets. we were sandwiched in between but cold could not catch us. we had liquid blankets as well so we did not know about cold catching. While we were taking dinner, someone brought the yarsagumba: these were small ones though. I never saw the yarsagumba beforehand, this was first time thourhg my eyes...!!!



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