a new journey

It’s been long time that  I have not written the travelogue since I am not able to travel nowadays. After 6 years gap, I joined residency in NAMS in general practice. Well it ‘s really hard to cope with the rigorous duty in hospital and firing of questions in morning conference: it’s kind of different environment and experience I have been going through.  Having good job in a good post and abandoning it for the new start of educational journey looks somehow weird and encouraging. Getting yelling from young registrars looks unusual but still have to accept the truth. What I was and i am now…  comes in mind sometimes….hehe anyway it’s part of education.
Doing 36 hours duty covering night duty, next day being disoriented while getting questions in the morning conference is the unforgettable part of residency. Nothing comes in mind what I have done and what I am supposed to do and what’s my plan: it usually happens when you do not get rest in the night. Writing notes of the every patient enrolled and filling laboratory forms and drawing the blood and pricking the intervertebral space to take out the cerebro spial fluid and many of times being traumatic puts the resident in panic condition.
Moreover, alternate night duty is another horrible things in residency. Just being in residency, I am not able to think out of the hospital. Really I am not able to manage the time to hang out with dear and near ones.  Residency sucks sometimes comes out of my mouth but anyhow we have to continue this 3 years’ hectic journey. Hope it will give the new concept in life and help to move towards the service of people in medical field  in rural areas. Hope this will give the pleasure…!!!


  1. Well dear tht what comes after having done hard job will indeed be beautiful


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