
National academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) in Kathmandu conducts 6 mandatory training to its residents during their 3 years’ Postgraduate degree in different disciplines. One of them is Medical Education that is all about how to teach people especially patients and how to prepare class to the students or juniors and learning techniques. Others are Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Research Methodology, Basic Surgical Skill, Trauma Life Support and Palliative Care. This is the beauty of NAMS. We were privileged to get the 4 days’ training on Medical education getting it in brief way out of its vast contents. Some of them about teaching learning activities were knowingly unknowingly followed by us during our life and so many new things were revealed they were never been  in our mind.
Teaching is not one way but it is two way or multiple way and it should be dynamic not the static.
Lectures were given by the experts about medical education and they were worthy to take. One of the interesting parts of this training was introduction of participants. This was for how they can present them to audience.
Many funny things and interesting things were shared during introduction session about their professional life before entering postgraduate program.
Experience during professional life:
One OBGYN resident thought that Obstetrics and Gynecology will be funny and enjoyable but he found it actually was not.
A Male resident from same discipline mentioned, while he was is in district posting, a pregnant lady  in labor was crying in the middle of night and he requested her to not cry making loud sound hampering others’ sleep. She replied, ‘you will never go through the labor pain doc, and how will you realize what’s labor pain?’ That doc mumbled on his own, ‘padhe pachhi realize garaula ni’ He almost finished his II year residency in OBGYN and he said, ‘Still he yet to understand the labor pain.’
Some of them showed their patriotism. One of them mentioned almost half of country he has gone through during his professional life.
Answers about why they chose the particular program?
Some of them chose their program by their choice, some by their role model in that discipline, some by influence of people in rural area and some of them have no choice other than that.
One of residents from Psychiatry mentioned, he wanted to understand the complexity of brain of human being and he felt it’s extremely complex. One of the GP residents said, ‘General practice chose me, not I.’
Some of them were not determined what to do and still enjoying what they are doing.
Some of the Pediatrics and Orthopedics people mentioned, they did not need to go for further study like DM or MCh.

Query about Achievement:
Got the residency….got married….yet to get….found someone especial….single ready to mingle….!!!

This introductory program was done for how effectively a person can deliver his content in understandable and effective way. It’s quite a good strategy.


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