Dance Floor

I was new one and naïve for Kathmandu one and half decades ago. I was almost ignorant about hyped young people here. One of my friends helped me out wander around the landmarks of Kathmandu. After some months I was almost accustomed to most of the sites of Kathmandu and youth culture in Kathmandu.


One day she invited me for dinner and I accepted her proposal. We went to restaurant where she used to go. She offered me a glass of wine and I could not resist. After one hour, she took me to the night club. She had grabbed my hands I can still remember. We could hear the Bollywood as well as Hollywood music there.  She started dancing in music and asked me to do. I tried to move but it was out of the rhythm. She tried her best to make me dance but I danced on my own original style. Maybe she did not like my dancing and was disappointed about. We were in different points of dance floor.
After sometimes I felt I was dancing alone she was alone too. When I moved my eyes around the dance arena, many of the couples were dancing wriggling to each other that I saw in my blurred panoramic view.  I hardly controlled myself to stand up there. I went to her and asked her to dance with me. She threw the smile on me and came to dance with me. We danced together but I felt she was not willing to dance with me. I left her there and went to bathroom. I was drunk; my eyes showed my look on the mirror that I could not dance anymore. When I came back to dance arena, she was not there. I found her in the pavilion. I saw she was smoking. I had never seen her taking cigarette. I believe she was smoking for the first time. She was crying but she did not tell me anything.  After that we never met again. Probably both of us never tried. When I recalled that moment, I still wonder what could have happened to her.
Well many of the times we are not able to express the reality ‘coz it may hamper your relation with someone. We are social people and we have to exist in this world anyway. Though we claim many of the time we know someone very well, we may not have recognized them in fact. I made that dance floor first and last in my life.


  1. You writing style is Plain yet lively. Don't you think you should think of changing the template. the black background is somehow not proper for my eyes daju.

    Rajesh Shrestha

  2. thank you Rajesh for your valuable suggestion

  3. enjoyed reading .... :)

  4. this is many years back dude...hehehehe


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