greatest award in my medical career

What is the best award you can achieve from patient? Definitely their satisfaction..!!! Their satisfaction makes us feel proud and always energizes to serve those needy patients whenever they need. No matter how much you earn money does not make sense if you can not satisfy the patients.
Today, Unknown number asked me whether I am Dr Uttam or not. I said, ‘yes I am’ with a bit hesitation.
he and his son and wife

‘Me Suresh’s father want to talk to you.’

‘Who Suresh?’

‘He is the one whose hernia was operated by you.’
‘Oh yeah. Got you, So…???’

‘Well sir, I have something to offer you?’

‘What?!! Why?! No no no…’
I got offended without thinking much.

‘Please accept our request.’

‘What do you want to do?’

‘Just simply to offer khaada and tika.’

‘Ok but after 3 pm. Is that ok?’

‘Sure sir.’
I was off the phone.

This guy is presented to ER one week back with his son Suresh. Suresh had painful swelling on left groin which is not reducible. It was inguinal obstructed hernia with impending strangulation on left groin. It was just for 2 hours that is encouraging part to operate immediately. We planned for ER herniotomy; he agreed in no time. We did it within one hour. Operation was successful but with some doubt whether bowel is viable or not after reducing it. We keep him NPO (nothing via mouth) for 48 hours. Bowel movement was fine and started on sipping on 3rd day of operation. He was comfortable. On 4th day we discharged him.

Regarding charge, we mentioned it would take twelve thousands. He with his wife collected money without any utterance.
I asked him, ‘how did you collect the money?’ He replied, ‘from neighbors.’

‘What do you do for living?’

‘Labor job on wage basis.’

‘How’s it about your wife?’

‘Same she does.’ I could see his eyes full of love for his son.

‘Ok, I am gonna discount fifty percentage of charge, is it ok for you?’

He smiled back, ‘that’s better but I can pay full charge sir.’

‘I know you can do it but please do it as per my offer.’

 ‘Aright sir thank you so much.’ he was so happy that I could feel it.

He came with his wife and son to offer khada and tika. We happily accepted. His gesture showed a lot there to thank us though he could not convert it into his words. A single gesture was enough for me that was his smile on his face and that is what I want in every single patient and their relatives.


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