Kranti: small but beautiful

I don’t say it is superb, fantastic or great but I simply say it’s a beautiful piece for medicos and those parents who are unaware of interests of their children.

After a long wait, I was able to catch up with the ‘Kranti’ written by Dr Sudip Aryal. This novel is based on young adolescent psychology. This is really tough theme to write about by a young doc like Sudip but he did it. It’s a highly appreciable job. I finished it in one sitting that means it’s interesting and simple though. He has the capacity to present this difficult task about teenage psychology in a simple way that is the strength of this author.

All the events are familiar to the medicos like me that is another interesting part of this novel. This piece is not high level literature.The write up is very simple presented in a very catch-able way.  Kranti is a product of inter-cast relation and showing her talent in study with extracurricular activities looks scientific. Saying and doing are two different things to execute. It tries to clarify about modern view of gender equity.
All parents will be aware of what their children wants to be after reading this small but beautiful piece


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